Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 state recreate

If you time stamp this here blog you will find that Oregon winters do not promote my blog. Here we are. Winter is over, and I am once again on the move! I went on a little pre-summer walk-a-bout last week. Let me just walk you through it.

While flying back to Oregon from a ski industry conference in Grand Junction, Colorado, I was caught in a three hour layover in Salt Lake city.

So what does a guy like me do at a time like this? Sit around in the airport and drink lattes? No! Call the Decoy!

Next stop: downtown SLC and the Utah State Capital.

Oh but the time with the Decoy was short lived. Quick! run back through security and move on to your next layover, Seattle. But wait! Wasn't this the very day that the Schooner Adventuress won $125,000 in a fundraiser and they are are having a celebrating that very night? Who has a blue shirt and another looong layover in Seattle?

This guy.

Oh but it was getting late, and three states in 8 hours really can take a lot out of you. Better head back to the airport and get to my bed back in Oregon.

So to recap. 1:15 PM Grand Junction, Co
2:30 PM Salt Lake City, UT
6:30 PM On Elliott Bay, Downtown Seattle
10:30 PM back at home in Bend, Oregon.

Take that Airport Zombies

(stay tuned for update on summer 2010 travel plans. spoiler alert: GREECE!)

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