Monday, February 28, 2011

Roid Rage


Let me just tell ya, steriods are a little weird.   Ya see, I have a couple disks in my spine that have a little slipping problem.  Sometimes they like to bulge out and make me wimper a little.  Bummer, total gamechanger at times. 

The month of January was a pretty dry one, snowfall wise.  But finally, about 2 weeks ago, winter came back with a fierceness. It has been good! However I skied that first big dump day, and I mean big dump, snow up to my chest big dump, like I was just fine and dandy.  And I was. Was a great day. A top 10 day, ever.  However, the next day and now this last week the ol'spine decided it wanted to punish me for punishing it. Flarred up, swelling, uhhgg.  So I goes to el doctora.  El Doctora says, "Yo, you needs a backyotomy".   And then she gives me a week long regimen of steroids to get in there and do some voodoo on the tissue that is swelling around my nerves.  And you know what, it is helping.  It is time for a massage and I am still not skiing yet, but its helping.   

But come to find out, Roid Rage is for real.   I have eaten everything in my house.  Everything.  Down to a sleeve of old saltines and a pack of top raman that I was saving for the apocalyps.  And whats worse, is the not sleeping at night.  Or, should I say, kind of sleeping at night but not really having control over myself in the awake moments.   The second night in, after my system was pretty well inundated, I have a vague recolection of waking up hotter than I have ever been, soaked with sweat, and on the rampage for something to dry myself off with.   Apparently, after I examined the scene the next morning, I had gotten into a drawer  in my closet where I keep first aid junk, ace wraps and the like.  I had grabbed one of the big, long and wide cotton wraps, and used it as a towel.  I was a little confused when I woke the next morning to find this wrap all tangled in my blankets and across the floor. It is a long one.  What's more, is that the drawer it is kept in was closed and tidy, while the rest of the room is regularly trashed anyway. 

And then last night!  I am on a lower dosage now so not as bad.  I kept waking up over and over again. I got a new alarm clock this winter. It projects the time onto the ceiling or wall, or whereever I aim it.   I like it on the ceiling above the bed.  I kept looking up at it and maybe (?) was imagining that the numbers were going to fall on me. I remember getting mad at them and trying to swat them away.  Ha!

Only two days left and then maybe I can take off the incredible hulk gloves. 

Don't make me mad.  ooonnG 

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