Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's Powerpoint, on Crack

A couple of weeks ago I was a presenter at Ignite Bend. Basically, people of all flavors can submit an idea on this website. "An idea?", you ask. Yes. An idea. Any idea. If you were to have 5 minutes on stage to talk about anything you wanted to talk about, what would it be? And oh yeah, you have to have a powerpoint to go along with it, the powerpoint can have only 20 slides, and the slides automatically advance every 15 seconds. So it is a speedy presentation with no time for hesitation. Then, people of all flavors vote online for the ideas they would like to see on stage. So I submitted this idea that I have been kicking around in my head for a couple years now, I don't really know why at this point, but I guess my idea struck a chord with those flavorful folks and I got voted in.
So I spent a couple weeks putting together my slideshow and was all set. It was a really fun night, and they gave all ten presenters their very own mug. I am going to fill mine with Tang.
It took place at the Tower Theater in Bend and the place was packed, sold out. That is like 1000 people! So ya I was a wee bit nervous, but it went well. The only thing I would do next time is to pick a topic I don't really care about. Since my topic was one I had been mulling over for some time, the perfectionist side of my brain will never truly be satisfied with the end product. So if there were a next time, I might pick a random topic. Wouldn't matter what, metallurgy, the history of Johnny Appleseed, kittens as a stocking stuffer...etc. Something random would be easy to get some laughs, and keep myself entertained.

The organized folks put it on youtube too! Which I have embedded here.

1 comment:

  1. This was your documentary idea!! I love seeing it made visual! And the sound of your melodious voice makes me happysad.
